Get the mental toughness to deliver
good performances consistently

  • 15 minutes a day for 10 days
  • Actionable projects
  • Daily motivation
  • Chance to win a price at the end



Hi I'm Ásdís and I will be guiding you through the quickstart course!

I want to show you exactly how you can do mental training in as little as 15 minutes a day and see incredible results!

Do you want to:

  • Have someone show you exactly what you need to do to become mentally tougher?
  • Be able to deliver your best performance under pressure?
  • Finally stick to training your mind?

If you are nodding along saying "Yes!" then I am very glad you are here!

I know exactly what it feels like to know you are not performing as well as you know you can because your own mind is standing in your way.

This quickstart course is designed for you!

I know what you are thinking

"I just can't seem to keep this kind of work up for more than a week or two"

In this course I want to show you how quick, easy and effective mental training really is and help you get into the habit of doing it regularly.

Not convinced?

Then don't just take it from me, check out the reviews below to see what other athletes thought about the course ⬇️



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Sigurlín Arnarsdóttir

Frábært / Great

Mér fannst námskeiðið mjög hjálplegt og vel uppbyggt I thought the course was very helpful and well structured

2 years ago
Sara Jemai

It's worth it!

Even just 10 days with Asdis's advices made me better in controlling my emotions in stressing situations. Now I know how powerful could be our mind and how important it is to train it every day! If you are an athlete dealing with bad days/trainings don't let your mood go down, try this challenge to boost your confidence!

2 years ago
Jóhann H Ragnarsson Ragnarsson

When all the pieces of the puzzles come together!

I have tried many things to be better athlete, small steps after small steps. I play a sport where you need to keep 100% focus for a long time, and it has sometimes been tricky. Having spent the time developing methods that work, made me familiar with some of the methods she used in this course. But how she builds it purposefully up; and how she carefully uses many methods that come together in one excellent result is a game-changer! And what surprised me even more, as an athlete who is used to training a lot, is how short time over the day is needed! Fifteen minutes on the day is enough for me to find a big difference! This challenge is not only highly-rated, but it is also a must for ambitious athletes! Jóhann H. Ragnarsson.

2 years ago
Guðrún Hildur Gunnarsdóttir

Spot on!

This is exactly what I needed. Short project every day to keep focus :D It takes only short time every day but gives soooo much back. I recommend for everyone that does not have much time but are willing to get that extra in their training and competition and your daily life! It also helps there :D The projects are very well explained and can be quite demanding but very good every time. And just write things down gets you long way! And Ásdís helps you to write down the right things :D Highly recommend for everyone and if you are thinking about trying out, stop think and just lets go ??

2 years ago

Here is what is included:

  • Access to the course area where you get a new project every day. There is a short video explaining what your project is that day and a workbook you fill out. You only need to give it 15 minutes a day.
  • Access to a Facebook community that keeps you accountable along the way. You participate there daily in the post of the day along with the other amazing athletes.
  • The chance to get a full refund at the end of the course. All you need to do is be active in the Facebook group. Simple, right?

The next 10 Day Quickstart Course starts October 30th

Here is what happens after you sign up:

  1. You get a confirmation email (make sure to check your spam folder) with all the information
  2. You get access to the course area right away but the material is locked until the course starts
  3. You get access to the Facebook group right away
  4. The day before we start you get access to the welcome video in the course area that helps you prepare for the course
  5. You have access to the course area until 2 days after the course ends

Course worth: 200€



I still have questions

No problem! Below you can find answers to the most frequent ones but you can always email me at [email protected]

The projects are very simple and include you reflecting and writing down your thoughts, breathing exercises, mindfulness, visualisations, talking to yourself etc. They shouldn't take you more than 15 min to complete (including watching the video).

Of course not! You will however get the most out of the course if you do but you are also more than welcome to mix in whatever mental training you have been doing before (if any). The main goal here is to make mental training a habit.

You will have access to the Facebook group as long as you would like but you will have access to the course area until two days after the course ends.

This course is the first step in starting with mental training. You are more than welcome to ask any questions in the Facebook group. At the end of the course you will be offered access to my extensive course Performance School where I cover in detail how we can handle specific situations that will come up for all athletes.

I can of course not guarantee anyone results and the more time and effort you put into these projects the bigger results you will see. You will feel better and get more clarity of yourself as an athlete and as a person which will help you perform better.

On the last day of the course the most active member in the Facebook group will get the course fully refunded. You can be active by liking and commenting on posts. This encourages a more powerful community which will help everyone get better. The Facebook group automatically calculates which member has been most active.