Performance School

8 week course that helps you become a mentally stronger athlete and maximise your performance

To achieve peak performance in sport we need to train skill, our bodies and our minds but most athletes neglect training their minds.

If you are an ambitious athlete and want to perform at your fullest potential then you need to train your mindset specifically.

You were probably taught early that you needed to train well and rest enough to achieve the best possible performance in our sport. Not only that but you probably also learned how you needed to train and even what you could do to recover better from your training.

What is unfortunately often forgotten is that to achieve peak performance we also need to train our mind. Maybe you realise that the right mindset is important to perform at your best but how do we train mindset?

Performance School was designed with this in mind. It is your toolbox for mindset training and helps you deal with all the challenges that come with sport.

Is this you?

✔️ Are you training hard but just can’t show what you are capable of in a competition?
✔️ Do you get too nervous before or during competitions?
✔️ Are you having a hard time dealing with things not going well?
✔️ Do you doubt that you can achieve the results you want?
✔️ You know you should be setting goals but you just don’t know how?
✔️ You want to train your mind but don’t know how to do it?

I know this myself, I was there too and I worked so hard to find solutions! Now you can take advantage of my solutions and learn from my experience.

How does this sound instead?

✔️ You learn to prepare mentally for competitions so you can perform at your best.
✔️ You can control your stress levels so the stress doesn’t take over.
✔️ You don’t go into a negative spiral when things don’t go well but come back even more motivated.
✔️ You get more confidence so you feel better in training and competition.
✔️ Goal setting becomes easy and fun.
✔️ You have full access whenever is convenient for you to a toolbox to train your mindset that is built on 20 years of experience from a triple Olympian.

I know it is possible because I have done it myself!

What is Performance School?

“Experience from my 20 year career packed into a toolbox that will help you deal with everything that comes with chasing peak performance in sport”

What do you get?

✔️ Lifetime access to the course and all future updates.
✔️ Access to your student area where you can work through the material at your speed.
✔️ Access to the first module as soon as you purchase.
✔️ Access to a new module weekly until you have access to all 8 modules and you will be notified by email.
✔️ Multiple hours of videos and an audio file.
✔️ Workbooks that help you use those tools in your life.
✔️ Full access to ALL of the tools I used during my 20 year career to get to three Olympic Games.


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What has Performance School done for others?

Thuri Helgadottir

9th fittest woman on earth 2019 and multiple Crossfit Games athlete

I would definitely recommend Ásdís’ Performance School. I have been a competitive athlete my entire life and have always struggled a little bit with stress. Ásdís covers extensively how you can work on that and what tools we can use to find our “optimal” stress level. On top of that it can be difficult in these strange times to be motivated to keep training, diet, sleep and more 100% because you don’t even know when the next competition is. Then it is good to dive into why I am doing my sport and why I started it in the first place as well as what it has given me.

Birgit Rós Becker

Icelandic record holder in powerlifting

I definitely recommend Performance School. I got to know myself as an athlete all over again! In Performance School Ásdís offers an incredibly generous package and it was worth every penny. I feel a big difference in myself mentally but she covers the mindset part extensively and that was what I needed. I have also had a 1-on-1 consultation with Ásdís and it helped me enormously. It was very comfortable to talk to her and I felt like I had known her my whole life. I highly recommend Performance School for all athletes!

Lena Meyer

Swiss javelin thrower

Through the Performance School I realised how much a good mindset can change my performance. I learned how I can use my mindset to improve my performance and ability to deal with different situations. I have noticed that my mindset in training has improved. This has helped me to be more focused in my training session. I would definitely recommend Performance School to other athletes.

Here you can see what I cover in the course

One last thing...

I remember how difficult it was for me to deal with setbacks and how often I underperformed just because I stood in my own way. The mistake I made was thinking for too long that I could deal with this myself.

It wasn’t until I started working with a sports psychologist and reading up on this that I realised how much I had sabotaged myself. Had I started this work earlier I am certain that I would have performed even better.

Don’t make the same mistakes I made because the toughest thought we are left with after the career is “What if…?”.

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Got questions? Here are the answers to the most common ones

The course suits well for all age groups. How young kids can be to go through it really depends on the maturity level of the individual. The youngest going through the course are 12 years old and the oldest is 63 years old. I do recommend that young kids get support from parents while going through the course to make sure they get the most out of it. The sooner we start working on our mindset, the better!

Absolutely! This course is worth it’s price many times over. The reason the price isn’t higher is because after being a professional athlete for 20 years I am well aware of the importance of this information. That is why I want it to be available to as many as possible so I keep it as affordable as I can.

You will have lifetime access to the course so you can go back and watch it whenever it suits you and as often as you like.

No. I will update the course as I get feedback on it and learn more about what you need help with. If you have bought the course once you will get access to all future updates.

Yes it is! This course will be applicable for ANY sport. I want to be very clear in that it does NOT include a training plan. The course will help you with mental training, recovery, goal setting and mindset and that is how it will help you perform better. These are the challenges that all athletes in all sports go through and that is why it is applicable to any sport.

Absolutely! As long as you are training with the intention to compete and want to perform then this course will help you maximize your performance. It does not matter if you are trying to go to the Olympics or just want to beat your time in the next road race.

Absolutely! If you do not like the course after you have seen the first 3 modules (2 weeks) I will happily refund you. My intention is to help you maximize your performance and if this course does not help you then I will not take your money. I can however only give you the information but not guarantee results, it is up to you to do the work.

In the course I share methods that can be adjusted to ANY situation. Since we are all different some of the things will apply to you and some not but everyone should get great value from it. I can of course not guarantee that you will improve your performance as I can only give you the information, it is then up to you to do the work and apply it.

That is correct but you should still be able to adjust these methods to your specific situation. If you do want more personalised help then I also offer consultations that are a perfect addition to the course. In those sessions I will give you advice on your exact situation and struggles. You can purchase and book your session HERE or email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.